
- 白露为霜 LV.连长
- 2021/11/13 6:30:41
2021-02-05 17:24:23 来源:科学网-人才
1. 遵循深圳湾实验室和各研究所/中心的基本目标和发展规划,独立领导课题组开展创新性科学研究工作;
2. 独立申请各项科学研究项目和基金;
3. 管理实验室(课题组),培养研究生,指导课题组副研究员、博士后、研究助理、技术员等的科研工作;
4. 积极参与实验室相关活动,包括学术会议、人才招聘和对外交流合作等。
1. 提供具有国际竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇,包括国家规定的相关福利、五险一金等,以及搬迁费和租房补贴;户口和子女入园/学等参照深圳湾实验室相关规定执行;
2. 提供充足的科研启动经费、实验室空间和办工空间;
3. 协助申请深圳市高层次人才补贴;
4. 协助外籍员工办理居留许可和工作许可。
1. Cover letter(自荐信);
2. Curriculum vitae, including lists of publications and research funds(简历,含已发表论文列表和基金情况);
3. Research summary and research proposal(研究总结和计划);
4. Names, affiliations and contact details of references, 3 references for junior position,and 5 to 10 references for senior position(推荐人的姓名、职务和联系方式,特聘研究员需要3名推荐人信息,资深研究员需要5-10名推荐人信息)。
Faculty Positions in Shenzhen Bay Laboratory
About the SZBL
Shenzhen Bay Laboratory (SZBL) is a newly established institution focus on health sciences research, located in the heart of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. It was jointly launched by the city of Shenzhen and Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School with an initial budget of $2 billion USD/5yr. SZBL aspires to be a world-class research institution and intellectual destination dedicated to understanding the fundamental biology underlying health and diseases while spurring solutions to the grand challenges confronting our world’s population and human well-being. The mission of the SZBL is to create a new research model to boost the health sciences and nurture the innovation-oriented biotechnology industry.
With its emphasize on bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, and the discovery of innovative drugs, SZBL aims to promote and improve human being health and welfare by controlling and preventing major diseases regarding but not limited to cancer, metabolic syndromes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders, and infectious diseases. SZBL has 15 institutes/centers, carrying out fundamental and translational research related to the fields of molecular physiology, chemical biology, systems and physical biology, drug discovery, bioanalytical science, biomedical engineering, cancer, neurological and psychiatric disorder, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, infectious diseases (respiratory and insect-borne).
Whom we’re looking for
The SZBL strives to deliver cutting-edge technology to the global scientific community through worldwide innovation and collaboration with experts and we are looking for the brightest minds to help us achieve our goals.
Faculty positions at ranks of Junior Principal Investigator (Tenure-track Assistant Professor) and Senior Principal Investigator (Tenured Professor position) are open now. Applicants should have a doctoral degree. We particularly welcome applications from those with research interests related to the above mentioned research fields.
Postdoctoral experience is required for a junior Principal Investigator position (Tenure-track Assistant Professor). The applicant in this rank should be young talented researcher who show productive and creative mind revealed by his or her research record and research plan. The first employment term is five years with an one-year extension if needed. Based on the final appraisal result, the assessment committee will decide whether a tenured position should be awarded to the Junior PI or not.
Applicants for Senior Principal Investigator (Tenured Professor position) should possess a tenured associate professor or professor position or equivalent position at other institutions. The applicant in this rank are expected to be distinguished researcher with national and international recognition and an extraordinary track record in publications and research funds.
Job duties
1. Leading a research group and conducting independent and creative science research in line with the general mission and development plan of Shenzhen Bay Laboratory;
2. Writing proposals to apply for various internal and external (including national level, provincial level and Shenzhen city level ) research projects and grants;
3. Managing a lab, guiding and supervising graduates and other group members;
4. Providing professional and public service to SZBL, including but not limited to academic conferences, talent recruitment and cooperation with other institutions and firms.
What is offered
Qualified candidates will receive an internationally competitive salary and benefits package including relocation reimbursement, public rental housing or rent allowance.
Also, we will provide assistance in applying for national and local Talent Program, children’s education and foreigner’s work permit.
SZBL will provide ample start-up funding, as well as laboratory space and office space. The faculty in SZBL could also apply for external funds.
Your Application
The SZBL is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applicants from all sections of the community.
Required Application documents:
1. Cover letter
2. Curriculum vitae (including lists of publications and research funds)
3. Research summary and research plan
4. Names, affiliations and contact details of references, 3 references for junior position,and 5 to 10 references for senior position
Please send the required application documents in a single PDF file by email to hr_pi@szbl.ac.cn. The email subject should be the title of the position for which you are applying, and your contact information, name, telephone number, should be included in email content. Applications will be reviewed and evaluated upon receipt, and positions will remain open until filled.